A log of articles I found for later reading. ...................................................... ..............................Not necessarily my point of view though.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Brain Blogging, Forty-Second Edition

Welcome to the forty-second edition of Brain Blogging. In this round, we discuss the profession of neurology, the transforming power of stroke, whether suicidal behaviors should make the DSM V, potential location of autism genes, and many more topics.

Remember, we review the latest blogs related to the brain and mind that go beyond the basic sciences into a more human and multidimensional perspective. If you were left out, just leave a comment with your relevant blog entry. You can check our archive for all previously published editions.

For future carnivals, please remember to submit your blog entries using the online submission form. We will do our best to review and include your entry! Enjoy your readings…

It’s All in the Mind…

NeurologyMind, Soul, and Body writes Against the clock:

Neurology has traditionally been a rather laid back specialty. The delight of it for me is the chance to ponder the inner workings of the brain as it affects the nervous system in a systematic and reflective manner. We don’t usually go into for the thrill of racing to save someone in a life and death situation. In fact, at least for me, this is when my brain functions at its worst.

Face to the Sun writes How challenges of a stroke created opportunity for growth:

At times I still have difficulty understanding concepts (in conversations) or information that I know I would have otherwise easily understood; in which I feel very embarrassed. This temporary cognitive hindrance causes me to be vigilant about my maintaining a positive self-esteem.

Dr Shock writes Suicidal Behavior as Sixth Axis in DSM V?:

It is suggested in an editorial of the American Journal of Psychiatry that suicidal behavior be considered a separate diagnostic category documented on a sixth axis. Ridiculous. Suicidal behavior (death and attempts) is a symptom of various psychiatric conditions.

Spiritual Pub writes The Joy of Being Yourself:

But the question is if there is so much ecstasy and joy in being oneself, then why cannot we be so? What are we so afraid of? What is keeping us from this source of ultimate blissfulness that could flow into our lives any moment?

Sharp Brains writes Cognitive screenings and Alzheimer’s Disease:

We see emerging trends that suggest the position in favor of cognitive assessments may in fact gather momentum over the next few years: widespread computerized cognitive screenings in the US Army, insurance companies like OptumHealth adding such tools to its clinical decision-making systems, polls such as the American Society of Aging’s a couple of years ago indicating a very strong demand for an “annual mental check-up”, the availability of useful assessment tools and research-based preventive advice.

The Change Blog writes Why Self Awareness is Fundamental to Personal Growth (& How to Cultivate It):

According to Buddhism, Moha is the most fundamental of the three poisons. It is a lack of awareness that lies at the root of all our problems. The cure Buddhism proposes is to extend clarity and awareness down into processes that are normally unconscious.

Highlight HEALTH writes Potential Location of Autism Genes Identified:

The familial association mapping study is compelling because it utilized genomic data, focused in on a target gene and validated the difference between autistic and control samples biochemically. Even more striking is the involvement of SEMA5A during neural development.

Learn This writes Why Are You Waiting for Happiness? Have it NOW!:

Happiness is one of those long sought after, conceptual ideas and it has turned into a sense of longing and searching for many people instead of a state of being and feeling. People have learned over centuries to look to the future to find more happiness instead of looking at the here and now with what they have. Well, did you know you can have happiness now? You don’t need anything else or anyone to be happy.

Timeless Lessons writes Mind Hacks: 10 Offbeat Fun Ways to Grow Your Brain:

Stay Blind in the Shower: Locate the taps and regulate the temperature and flow using just your tactile senses. In the shower locate all needed props by feel, then wash, shave, and so on, with your eyes shut. Your hands will most likely notice different textures of your own body you aren’t aware of when you are “looking.”

Psypo writes Find More Time To Study/Work - The Blue Locus Technique:

Be engaged in some other activity other than studying. When you select such an activity, be careful not to select anything that you like more than studying. The activity should be that you can not make you enjoy, involved in, or responsible, but just engaged.

Living the Scientific Life (GrrlScientist) writes Genius Bird:

This interesting National Geographic video shows how Bernd Heinrich designed an experiment to test the intelligence of ravens.

via http://brainblogger.com/2008/12/26/brain-blogging-forty-second-edition/